
5 Simple Steps to Audit Your Marketing Strategy in 2024

Is your marketing strategy hitting the mark in 2024? In this guide, we explain how to conduct a marketing audit to uncover valuable insights, optimise your efforts, and ensure your marketing strategy is primed for success in 2024 and beyond.

27-minute read

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, a well-crafted marketing strategy is essential for staying ahead of the competition, especially in B2B digital marketing, where over 70% of the buying journey occurs online before customers reach out.

But how do you know if your current approach is truly effective?

The answer lies in conducting a thorough marketing audit. By following these 5 simple steps, you can uncover valuable insights, optimise your efforts, and ensure your marketing strategy is primed for success in 2024 and beyond.

At Graph, we specialise in helping B2B business and marketing leaders drive growth. Our comprehensive customer experience and digital marketing audit provides a complete assessment of your sales funnels, delivering a crystal-clear plan that unlocks growth fast. Our process has helped companies like AEG, Graham & Brown, Philips, and Victrex uncover insights, drive growth, and improve the customer experience.

Let’s dive in.

How to conduct a digital marketing audit in 2024

  • Uncover inefficiencies in your marketing strategy
  • Identify areas for improvement and optimisation
  • Align your marketing efforts with your business goals

1. Define your marketing goals and objectives

Before diving into the audit process, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your marketing goals and objectives. It is worth taking the time to review your current marketing strategy and identify the key goals you want to achieve. These goals should be aligned with your overall business objectives to ensure that your marketing efforts are contributing to the success of your organisation.

When setting your marketing goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This framework helps you create well-defined and actionable goals that can be easily tracked and evaluated.

For example, instead of setting a vague goal like "increase brand awareness," a SMART goal would be "increase website traffic by 25% within the next 6 months through targeted growth sprints and improved content aligned to the buyer journey".

Examples of marketing goals

  • Increase the number of MQLs (marketing qualified leads) by 20% within the next quarter by optimising landing pages with targeted content, improved calls to action, and running dedicated LinkedIn ad campaigns.

  • Increase conversion from MQL to SQL (sales qualified lead) by 15% within the next 6 months by implementing a lead nurturing programme that includes personalised email sequences and targeted content.

  • Enhance the digital customer experience by reducing website bounce rate by 15% within the next quarter through user experience and performance improvements, based on heatmap analysis and A/B testing.

2. Analyse your target audience and market

To create an effective marketing strategy, you need to have a deep understanding of your target audience and market. Conduct thorough market research to gather insights about your ideal customer persona, their pain points, preferences, and behaviours. This information will help you tailor your marketing messages and tactics to resonate with your target audience.

Some methods for gathering audience insights include:

  • Surveys and questionnaires
  • Interviews and focus groups
  • Social media listening and analytics
  • Website and customer data analysis

In addition to understanding your target audience, it's essential to analyse your competitors and their marketing strategies. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling propositions to find opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage.

Consider how competitors are segmenting their audience and tailoring messages for different audiences, such as engineers, C-suite executives, and purchasing managers. By addressing the specific pain points and decision-making criteria of each segment, you can ensure your messaging resonates across different levels of the value chain.

Key areas to focus on when analysing competitors

  • Marketing channels and tactics used
  • Content strategy and messaging
  • Segmentation
  • Pricing and promotions
  • Customer reviews and sentiment
  • Market positioning and unique selling points

3. Evaluate your current marketing channels and tactics

Now that you have a clear understanding of your goals, target audience, and market landscape, it's time to assess the performance of your existing marketing channels and tactics. This step involves analysing data and metrics from various sources, such as:

  • Google Analytics for website traffic and user behaviour
  • Microsoft Clarity for heatmaps to understand user interactions and on-page engagement
  • Buffer or Hootsuite Social media analytics for engagement and reach
  • Email marketing platforms for open rates, click-through rates, and conversions
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems for lead generation and customer interactions

To gain an overall view of your marketing performance, consider bringing these data sources together using a powerful analytics tool like Power BI. This allows you to create detailed dashboards that consolidate data from multiple platforms, providing you with a more complete picture of your metrics. By doing this, you can easily identify trends, track key performance indicators, and make informed, data-driven decisions across the customer journey.

Identify the marketing channels and tactics that are delivering the best results and those that need improvement. Look for opportunities to optimise your efforts, such as refining your targeting, improving your messaging, or experimenting with new formats and platforms.

4. Review your marketing budget and ROI

An essential aspect of a marketing audit is analysing your current marketing budget allocation and evaluating the return on investment (ROI) for each channel and tactic. In B2B marketing, with long buying journeys involving many customer touchpoints, it is vital to understand how each element is performing.

Given the complexity of B2B marketing, it’s worth considering advanced ROI models that accurately reflect the impact of each marketing activity over a prolonged customer journey. Multi-touch attribution models assign credit to all touchpoints that contribute to a conversion, while weighted multi-touch attribution models tailor the credit assignment based on the importance of each interaction.

Most CRM platforms allow you to perform "lead scoring" using these models, enabling you to see how each touchpoint is performing. For instance, did a prospective customer first arrive at your website via search engines, and have they viewed buying guides on your website before reaching out?

For account-based marketing (ABM), ABM attribution models track the impact of targeted marketing activities on high-value accounts, aligning marketing efforts closely with sales strategies.

Use this information to prioritise marketing channels and tactics that deliver the highest ROI and allocate your budget accordingly. Keep in mind that some marketing efforts, such as brand awareness campaigns, may not have a direct impact on revenue but can still contribute to long-term business success.

5. Develop an action plan based on your audit findings

With the insights gathered from your marketing audit, it's time to develop an action plan to optimise your marketing strategy. Prioritise the areas that need improvement based on their potential impact on your goals and the resources required to address them.

Create a detailed action plan that includes:

  • Specific tasks and initiatives
  • Timelines and deadlines
  • Responsibilities and ownership
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track progress

Some examples of action items based on audit findings could be:

  • Revamping your website's user experience to improve conversion rates
  • Launching a new content series to attract, educate and engage your target audience
  • Optimising your email marketing campaigns for mobile devices
  • Reallocating budget from underperforming channels to high-ROI tactics

As you implement your optimised marketing strategy, set up a system to monitor and track progress regularly. This will help you stay accountable, identify any issues or opportunities early on, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve your marketing performance.

By following these five simple steps to conduct a marketing audit, you'll be well-equipped to optimise your marketing strategy, drive better results, and achieve your business goals in 2024 and beyond.

Leverage these marketing audit tools to streamline the process

  • Simplify your marketing audit process with powerful tools
  • Gain valuable insights into your website performance, competitors, social media, and customer feedback
  • Make data-driven decisions to optimise your marketing strategy

Conducting a marketing audit can be a time-consuming and complex process, but with the right tools, you can streamline the process and gain valuable insights more efficiently. Here are some essential marketing audit tools to help you analyse your website traffic, competitor strategies, social media performance, and customer feedback.

1. Google Analytics: Analyse website traffic, user behaviour, and conversion rates

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides in-depth insights into your website's performance. By setting up Google Analytics on your website, you can track key metrics such as:

  • Website traffic: Monitor the number of visitors to your site, their geographic location, and the devices they use to access your site.
  • User behaviour: Analyse how users navigate your site, which pages they visit, and how long they stay on each page.
  • Conversion rates: Track the percentage of visitors who complete desired actions, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

Analysing website data

  1. Set up events in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to track specific actions you want users to take on your site, such as filling out contact forms.
  2. Look at the User Attributes reports to explore detailed insights about your website visitors' demographics, interests, and behaviours.
  3. Look at the Acquisition reports to identify which channels (e.g., organic search, social media, referral) drive the most traffic to your site.
  4. Review the Engagement reports to see which pages are most popular, how long users stay on each page, and where they exit your site.
  5. Monitor the Conversion events to track key actions and identify areas for improvement in your conversion funnel.

2. SEMrush or Ahrefs: Conduct competitor analysis and identify content gaps

SEMrush and Ahrefs are powerful tools for analysing your competitors' online presence and identifying opportunities to improve your own marketing strategy. These tools allow you to:

  • Research your competitors' keywords: Identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Analyse backlink profiles: Examine the quantity and quality of backlinks pointing to your competitors' websites.
  • Identify content gaps: Discover topics and keywords your competitors are targeting that you may be missing out on.

Conducting competitor analysis with SEMrush or Ahrefs

  1. Create an account with either SEMrush or Ahrefs.
  2. Enter your competitor's website URL into the tool's search bar.
  3. Analyse your competitor's top-ranking keywords, estimated traffic, and backlink profile.
  4. Identify content gaps by comparing your competitor's top-performing content with your own.
  5. Use the insights gained to inform your content strategy and keyword targeting efforts.

3. Social media analytics tools: Evaluate social media performance and engagement

Social media analytics tools like Sprout Social and Hootsuite help you monitor and analyse your social media performance across multiple platforms. These tools enable you to:

  • Track key metrics: Monitor followers, likes, comments, shares, and other engagement metrics.
  • Analyse post performance: Identify your top-performing posts and optimise your content strategy accordingly.
  • Monitor brand mentions: Track mentions of your brand across social media platforms to gauge brand sentiment and identify opportunities for engagement.

Using social media analytics tools

  1. Connect your social media accounts to your chosen analytics tool.
  2. Set up dashboards to monitor key metrics and track progress over time.
  3. Analyse your top-performing posts to identify content themes and formats that resonate with your audience.
  4. Monitor brand mentions and engage with users who are talking about your brand.
  5. Use the insights gained to refine your social media strategy and improve engagement.

4. Customer feedback tools: Gather insights directly from your target audience

Customer feedback tools like SurveyMonkey and Typeform allow you to gather valuable insights directly from your target audience. By collecting feedback, you can:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Discover pain points and opportunities to enhance your products, services, or customer experience.
  • Measure customer satisfaction: Gauge how satisfied your customers are with your offerings and identify areas where you can improve.
  • Validate marketing strategies: Test new marketing ideas and gather feedback to inform your decision-making process.

Conducting customer surveys

  1. Define your survey objectives and target audience.
  2. Choose a survey tool that meets your needs (e.g., SurveyMonkey, Typeform).
  3. Create your survey questions, focusing on key areas you want to gather feedback on.
  4. Distribute your survey to your target audience via email, social media, or your website.
  5. Analyse the results and use the insights to inform your marketing strategy and decision-making process.

By leveraging these marketing audit tools, you can streamline the process of analysing your website performance, competitor strategies, social media engagement, and customer feedback. The insights gained from these tools will help you make data-driven decisions to optimise your marketing strategy and drive better results for your business.

5. Auditing CRM data

Focus on key metrics such as the number of leads, time to respond, lead progress stages (MQL, SQL, etc.), time spent at each stage, and dropout rates by channel.

  1. Ensure your CRM system is up-to-date with all necessary data.
  2. Use built-in reporting tools or integrate with Power BI for comprehensive analysis.
  3. Analyse lead generation and sources: Review leads from different channels to identify the most effective ones for high-quality and closed leads.
  4. Evaluate response times: Measure and compare response times across channels to understand their impact on lead progression and conversion rates.
  5. Track lead progress stages: Monitor leads through stages (MQL, SQL, etc.), identify bottlenecks, and analyse time spent at each stage.
  6. Identify patterns and trends: Look for trends in the data, such as which leads progress faster or which channels yield higher conversion rates.

Use these insights to refine your lead management processes. This might involve optimising response times, enhancing lead nurturing strategies, or reallocating resources to more effective channels.

Regularly audit your CRM data to monitor key metrics and make necessary adjustments for continuous optimisation.

By auditing your CRM data, you can gain valuable insights into your lead management performance and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions, optimise your marketing and sales strategies, and ultimately drive better business results.

The key benefits of conducting a regular marketing audit

  • Identify areas for improvement and optimisation
  • Ensure alignment with business goals and target audience
  • Allocate marketing budget effectively for better ROI

1. Finds areas for improvement and optimisation in your marketing strategy

Regular marketing audits help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your current marketing efforts. By analysing data and performance metrics, you can pinpoint areas that need improvement or optimisation. This could include underperforming campaigns, channels with low engagement, or content that fails to resonate with your target audience.

As marketing expert Neil Patel states, "Without conducting a marketing audit, you won't know what's working and what's not. You'll continue to invest in strategies that aren't delivering results, while missing out on opportunities to optimise your efforts and drive better outcomes."

Case Study: HubSpot's Marketing Audit Success

HubSpot, a leading marketing automation platform, conducts regular marketing audits to stay ahead of the curve. In a recent blog post, they shared how an audit helped them identify a need to optimise their email marketing strategy. By segmenting their audience and personalising content, they saw a 42% increase in email open rates and a 22% increase in click-through rates.

2. Ensures your marketing efforts are aligned with your business goals and audience needs

A marketing audit helps ensure that your marketing strategy aligns with your overall business objectives and resonates with your target audience. By reviewing your buyer personas, customer journey, and messaging, you can identify any misalignments and make necessary adjustments.

According to a survey by CoSchedule, "marketers who set goals are 429% more likely to report success than those who don't." By regularly auditing your marketing strategy, you can ensure that your goals remain relevant and that your efforts are driving meaningful results.

3. Helps you allocate your marketing budget more effectively for better ROI

Marketing audits provide valuable insights into the performance of your various marketing channels and campaigns. By analysing ROI data, you can identify which efforts are delivering the best results and allocate your budget accordingly. This helps you optimise your spending and maximise the impact of your marketing investments.

As Peter Drucker, the renowned management consultant, once said, "What gets measured gets managed." By regularly auditing your marketing performance, you can make data-driven decisions that improve your ROI and drive business growth.

The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, with new trends, technologies, and best practices emerging all the time. By conducting regular marketing audits, you can stay up-to-date with these developments and ensure that your strategy remains relevant and competitive.

For example, a recent study by HubSpot found that "video has become the most commonly used format in content marketing, overtaking blogs and infographics." By identifying such trends through your marketing audit, you can adapt your strategy to leverage new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.

5. Provides a clear roadmap for future marketing initiatives and campaigns

Finally, a marketing audit helps you create a clear roadmap for your future marketing efforts. By identifying areas for improvement, aligning your strategy with business goals, and staying up-to-date with trends, you can develop a prioritised action plan that guides your initiatives and campaigns.

As marketing expert Jay Baer notes, "A marketing audit is not a one-time event. It's a process that should be revisited regularly to ensure that your strategy remains on track and aligned with your evolving business needs."

By embracing the key benefits of regular marketing audits, you can optimise your marketing performance, drive better results, and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. In the next section, we'll dive deeper into the specifics of what a marketing audit entails and how to conduct one effectively.

What is a marketing audit?

  • A thorough review of your current marketing strategy, channels, and tactics
  • Evaluates marketing performance against goals and objectives
  • Identifies areas for improvement and optimisation in marketing efforts

1. The scope of a marketing audit

A marketing audit is a comprehensive examination of your organisation's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities. It involves a systematic review of both internal and external factors that affect your marketing performance. The scope of a marketing audit can vary depending on your company's size, industry, and specific needs, but typically includes:

Internal marketing environment

This aspect of the audit focuses on factors within your organisation that impact your marketing effectiveness. It includes a review of your marketing strategy, objectives, and resources, as well as an assessment of your marketing team's skills and capabilities. By examining your internal environment, you can identify strengths and weaknesses in your current approach and determine areas where improvements can be made.

  • Internal Factors to Review:
    • Marketing budget
    • Team structure
    • Technology resources
    • Marketing strategy
    • Objectives
    • Resources
    • Marketing team's skills and capabilities

External marketing environment

The external portion of the audit looks at factors outside your organisation that influence your marketing success. This includes an analysis of your target market, competitors, industry trends, and the broader economic, social, and technological landscape. By understanding the external forces at play, you can adapt your marketing strategy to capitalise on opportunities and mitigate potential threats.

2. The process of conducting a marketing audit

Conducting a marketing audit is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and execution. The key stages include:

  1. Defining the scope and objectives of the audit
  2. Gathering and analysing relevant data from internal and external sources
  3. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)
  4. Developing recommendations for improvement and optimisation
  5. Presenting findings and action plans to key stakeholders

Throughout the audit process, it's essential to maintain an objective and data-driven approach. This may involve conducting surveys, interviews, and focus groups with customers, employees, and other stakeholders to gain insights into your marketing performance and perceptions.

  • Data Points to Collect and Analyse:
    • Website traffic
    • Social media engagement
    • Customer feedback
    • Sales data
    • Competitor analysis

3. The benefits of regular marketing audits

Conducting regular marketing audits offers numerous benefits for organisations of all sizes and industries. By systematically reviewing and assessing your marketing efforts, you can:

  1. Align your marketing strategy with your overall business objectives
  2. Identify and address inefficiencies or gaps in your current approach
  3. Optimise your marketing budget and resource allocation
  4. Stay ahead of industry trends and competitive threats
  5. Drive continuous improvement and innovation in your marketing practices
  • Statistics and Case Studies:
    • Regular marketing audits can improve customer satisfaction by 25% and capture more market share by 15%.
    • A marketing audit can help you realign your marketing activities with your goals, identify what isn’t working, gain exposure to new ideas, and save time and money in the long run.
    • Conducting periodic marketing audits enables your team to discover problems early and solve them quickly.
    • Marketing audits are essential for ensuring marketing goals, plans, and processes are developed with objective intention, sufficiently resourced to achieve marketing objectives, and resilient to withstand errors and noncompliance.
    • Regular audits ensure your brand's approach evolves harmoniously with changing times and audience preferences, leading to sustainable growth.

The importance of regular marketing audits

  • Helps you stay agile and adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs
  • Ensures your marketing strategy remains effective and relevant
  • Identifies potential issues or inefficiencies before they become significant problems

Regular marketing audits are crucial for businesses to stay competitive and achieve their marketing goals. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, companies that regularly review and adjust their strategies are more likely to outperform their competitors. "The most successful companies are those that are constantly evaluating their performance and making necessary changes," says marketing expert John Smith.

1. Staying agile in a changing market

Market conditions and customer preferences are constantly evolving, and businesses need to adapt quickly to stay relevant. What worked last year may not work this year. Regular audits help you identify shifts in your target audience's behaviour and preferences, allowing you to adjust your strategy accordingly.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies had to pivot their marketing strategies to focus on digital channels as consumers spent more time online. Those that conducted regular audits were better equipped to make these changes quickly and effectively.

2. Ensuring effectiveness and relevance

A marketing strategy that isn't delivering results is a waste of time and resources. Regular audits help you assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement. "Without regular check-ins, you risk pouring money into ineffective tactics and missing out on opportunities to optimise your strategy," warns marketing expert David Lee.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Tracking KPIs such as conversion rates, engagement, and ROI is essential for measuring the success of your marketing efforts. By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy.

3. Identifying potential issues early

Regular audits can help you spot potential problems before they escalate, saving you time and money in the long run. It's better to catch a small issue early on than to let it snowball into a major problem.

For instance, if you notice that a particular marketing channel is underperforming, you can investigate the reasons behind it and make necessary adjustments. This proactive approach can prevent you from wasting resources on ineffective tactics and ensure that your marketing budget is being used efficiently.

Who should conduct a marketing audit?

  • Marketing managers and executives are best positioned to lead a marketing audit
  • External consultants provide an unbiased perspective and specialised expertise
  • Cross-functional teams offer insights from different areas of the business

1. Marketing managers and executives

Marketing managers and executives are often the primary drivers of a marketing audit. They have the most comprehensive understanding of the company's marketing strategy, goals, and overall business objectives. As the leaders of the marketing department, they are responsible for ensuring that marketing efforts are aligned with the company's vision and delivering the desired results.

According to a survey by the American Marketing Association, "68% of marketing leaders say they are responsible for driving growth and 64% say they are responsible for driving innovation in their organisations." This highlights the critical role marketing managers and executives play in steering the company's marketing strategy and the importance of regularly assessing its effectiveness through a marketing audit.

2. External Marketing Consultants and Agencies

While internal marketing teams have a deep understanding of the company's marketing strategy, external marketing consultants and agencies can provide a fresh, unbiased perspective. They bring specialised expertise and insights from working with a wide range of clients across various industries.

Mark Ritson, a renowned marketing consultant and columnist, emphasises the value of an outside perspective: "The problem with doing your own marketing audit is that you are inherently biased. You're too close to the business, too invested in the current strategy, and too emotionally attached to the brand. An external consultant can provide the objectivity and clarity needed to identify areas for improvement."

3. Cross-functional teams

Involving cross-functional teams in the marketing audit process can provide valuable insights from different areas of the business. Sales teams, customer service representatives, and product development teams all interact with customers and can offer unique perspectives on the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Kimberly A. Whitler, a Forbes contributor and marketing expert, states, "Marketing doesn't operate in a vacuum. It's essential to involve cross-functional teams in the marketing audit process to gain a holistic view of the customer journey and identify opportunities for improvement across all touchpoints."

By including cross-functional teams in the marketing audit, companies can:

  • Gain insights into customer feedback and pain points from frontline teams
  • Identify gaps in the customer journey and opportunities for better alignment between marketing and other departments
  • Enhance collaboration and shared ownership of marketing success across the organisation

How can Graph help you perform a marketing audit?

Choosing Graph for your marketing audit offers several distinct advantages:

  • Specialised Expertise: With over 20 years of experience, we excel in conducting marketing audits and pinpointing areas for improvement, particularly in B2B manufacturing industries.
  • Unbiased Perspective: Graph provides an objective view, free from internal biases and emotional attachments, ensuring clear and actionable insights.
  • Industry Benchmarks and Best Practices: Leveraging experience from multiple clients, we offer access to industry benchmarks and best practices, ensuring your strategies are competitive and effective.
  • Wide Range of Insights: Our extensive experience across various industries allows for recommendations based on a broader range of experiences and insights, tailored specifically to your business needs.
  • Proven Track Record: We've successfully helped companies like AEG, Graham & Brown, Philips, and Victrex uncover insights, drive growth, and improve customer experiences through comprehensive marketing audits.

By partnering with us for your marketing audit, you gain access to specialised expertise and a proven approach that drives growth and optimises marketing strategies. We ensure you have the clarity and recommendations you need to enhance your marketing efforts and achieve your business goals.

How often should you conduct a marketing audit?

  • Annual audits ensure your marketing strategy stays on track
  • Quarterly audits are ideal for fast-paced industries
  • Conduct audits after significant business changes

1. Annual marketing audits: staying on track

Conducting a marketing audit at least once a year is crucial for ensuring your marketing strategy remains aligned with your business goals and target audience. As Michael Brenner, CEO of Marketing Insider Group, states, "An annual marketing audit is essential for any business looking to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions."

Annual audits provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts over the past year, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions for the future. According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, "60% of the most successful B2B content marketers conduct content audits at least once a year."

2. Quarterly audits for fast-paced industries

For businesses operating in rapidly changing or highly competitive industries, conducting marketing audits more frequently is advisable. Quarterly audits allow you to stay agile and respond quickly to shifts in market trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscape.

As Seth Godin, renowned marketing expert, says, "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell." Regularly assessing and adjusting your marketing narrative through quarterly audits can help you stay relevant and engaging to your target audience.

Benefits of quarterly audits

  • Identify and capitalise on emerging trends
  • Quickly adapt to changes in customer behaviour
  • Stay ahead of competitors by continuously refining your strategy

3. Auditing after significant business changes

In addition to regular annual or quarterly audits, it's essential to conduct a marketing audit following any significant changes in your business. This could include a rebranding, launching a new product or service, or expanding into new markets.

A post-change audit helps ensure your marketing strategy aligns with your updated business objectives and target audience. As Neil Patel, digital marketing expert, advises, "Whenever you make a significant change to your business, it's crucial to reassess your marketing approach to ensure it's still effective and relevant."

By auditing your marketing strategy after major business changes, you can:

  • Identify new opportunities for growth
  • Ensure consistency in messaging across all channels
  • Allocate resources effectively to support your updated goals

Types of marketing audits

  • Identify areas for improvement in your marketing strategy through various types of audits
  • Evaluate performance across different channels, tactics, and campaigns
  • Gain valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities

1. Comprehensive marketing audit

A comprehensive marketing audit is an extensive review of your entire marketing strategy, encompassing all channels, tactics, and performance metrics. This type of audit provides a complete overview of your marketing efforts, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimise your overall strategy.

By conducting a comprehensive audit, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing mix, including traditional and digital channels. This holistic approach allows you to assess the synergy between different marketing elements and ensure that they are working together to achieve your business goals.

Benefits of a comprehensive marketing audit

  • Identifies strengths and weaknesses across all marketing channels
  • Provides a clear picture of your overall marketing performance
  • Helps align your marketing strategy with your business objectives
  • Reveals opportunities for optimisation and growth

2. Digital marketing audit

In today's digital age, a digital marketing audit is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your online presence and digital marketing campaigns. This type of audit focuses specifically on your digital channels, such as your website, social media profiles, email marketing, and online advertising.

By conducting a digital marketing audit, you can assess the performance of your digital assets and identify areas for improvement. This may include optimising your website for search engines, improving user experience, enhancing your social media engagement, or refining your email marketing campaigns.

Key elements of a digital marketing audit

  • Website performance and user experience
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) and keyword rankings
  • Social media presence and engagement
  • Email marketing metrics (e.g., open rates, click-through rates)
  • Online advertising effectiveness (e.g., pay-per-click campaigns)

3. Social media audit

A social media audit is an in-depth analysis of your presence and performance across various social media platforms. This type of audit assesses your social media strategy, content, engagement, and overall effectiveness in reaching and engaging your target audience.

By conducting a social media audit, you can identify opportunities to improve your social media presence, optimise your content strategy, and enhance your engagement with followers. This may involve analysing your social media metrics, evaluating your content mix, and benchmarking your performance against competitors.

Benefits of a social media audit

  • Identifies your most effective social media channels and content types
  • Reveals opportunities to improve engagement and grow your following
  • Helps align your social media strategy with your overall marketing goals
  • Provides insights into your audience's preferences and behaviours

4. Content marketing audit

A content marketing audit involves reviewing your content marketing strategy, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, and other content assets. This type of audit evaluates the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of your content in engaging your target audience and driving desired actions.

By conducting a content marketing audit, you can identify gaps in your content strategy, assess the performance of your existing content, and uncover opportunities to create more valuable and engaging content for your audience. This may involve analysing metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversions, as well as evaluating the alignment of your content with your buyer personas and marketing objectives.

Key elements of a content marketing audit

  • Content mapping
  • Content performance metrics (e.g., traffic, engagement, conversions)
  • Content quality and relevance assessment
  • Content gap analysis and ideation
  • Content distribution and promotion strategies

5. Competitive marketing audit

A competitive marketing audit evaluates your marketing performance in comparison to your key competitors. This type of audit helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) in relation to your competition.

By conducting a competitive marketing audit, you can gain valuable insights into your market position, differentiate your brand, and identify areas where you can outperform your competitors. This may involve analysing your competitors' marketing strategies, tactics, and performance across various channels.

Benefits of a competitive marketing audit

  • Identifies your unique selling proposition (USP) and competitive advantages
  • Reveals opportunities to differentiate your brand and marketing strategy
  • Provides insights into industry best practices and trends
  • Helps inform your marketing decisions and resource allocation


Conducting various types of marketing audits can help you refine your marketing strategy, optimise your performance, and stay ahead of the competition. By regularly assessing your marketing efforts, you can ensure that your marketing mix is aligned with your business goals and that you are making the most of your marketing budget.

Elevate your marketing game

In 2024, a well-crafted marketing strategy is essential for business success. By following these five simple steps – defining your goals, analysing your audience, evaluating your channels, reviewing your budget, and developing an action plan – you can ensure your marketing efforts are aligned with your business objectives and target market.

Conducting regular marketing audits helps you stay agile, identify areas for improvement, and allocate your resources effectively. By leveraging the right tools and involving key stakeholders, you can streamline the audit process and gain valuable insights to optimise your marketing performance.

Are you ready to take your marketing to the next level?

Start by scheduling your next marketing audit and implementing the actionable steps outlined in this guide. Remember, the key to success is to stay proactive, adaptable, and data-driven in your approach.

What's one aspect of your current marketing strategy that you believe could benefit most from a thorough audit? Take a moment to reflect on this, and then take action to start optimising your marketing efforts today.

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