Service Design

Improve your customer experience with better digital services

Graph is an experienced service design agency that helps businesses transform their customer experiences. Our team of experts specialize in designing and delivering services that better meet customer needs, improve operational efficiency, and increase brand value.


Unlock your business potential

In a crowded landscape it can be hard to stand out.

Customers are looking for better digital experiences. Your competitors are vying for their attention with new business models and seamless digital services. To stay ahead, you need to adapt quickly.

Our service design consultancy helps business leaders achieve this. A multi-disciplinary team of experts, we focus on the end-to-end customer journey to identify new opportunities, to prove where value can be created, and to make sure all touch points deliver a seamless and coherent digital experience.

From London and New York, we help organizations across the globe adopt service design principles and digitize their products and services.

We’ll help you transform your business model, re-imagine your core processes and quickly blueprint and test new digital service and product ideas.


The Service Design Blueprint

Our service design blueprint brings together business consultancy, customer experience, design and technology expertise into small cross-functional teams to rapidly test and validate new service and product ideas.


Delivering breakthrough performance means rethinking your business model, your core processes and designing digital services that are customer-centric and seamless. Our consultants will help you map out a strategy and roadmap to get there.

Technical Blueprint

When you're implementing a new digital service, you also need to connect your systems, and deliver the data needed. We'll help you set out the architecture and foundations to do this seamlessly.

Design Sprints

To deliver services customers want to use, you must test and validate. We approach service design in the same way as Google – using Design Sprints and customer journey mapping to create efficient and exceptional digital services.

Case Studies

Service Design Case Studies

London Live

Interactive Studio Screens for Live Broadcast

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London Live

How London Live built the digital platform to launch a new television station in just months

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